Hospitality Industry Blog with a focus on Revenue Management, Marketing, Distribution, Branding, and Strategy.
Hotel Revenue Insights
Alex Kapichin
Members Public

GauVendi - a feature-based hospitality system

Review of the revolutionary tech solution that changes how hotels sell rooms.

Alex Kapichin
Members Public

Weekly Insights. June 19, 2021

Best hospitality industry articles focused on 💵revenue, 📊markets, and 🎯strategy (Jun 13 - Jun 19, 2021).

Alex Kapichin
Members Public

Weekly Insights. June 12, 2021

Best hospitality industry articles focused on 💵revenue, 📊markets, and 🎯strategy (Jun 6 - Jun 12, 2021).

Alex Kapichin
Members Public

Video Insights: Webinars & Discussions (Volume 3)

Best hospitality industry webinars, interviews, discussions focused on revenue management, marketing, technology, strategy (May 27 - June 10).

Alex Kapichin
Members Public

Weekly Insights. June 5, 2021

Best hospitality industry articles focused on 💵revenue, 📊markets, and 🎯strategy (May 30 - Jun 5, 2021).

Alex Kapichin
Members Public

Weekly Insights. May 29, 2021

Best hospitality industry articles focused on 💵revenue, 📊markets, and 🎯strategy (May 23 - May 29, 2021).

Alex Kapichin
Members Public

Video Insights: Webinars & Discussions (Volume 2)

Best hospitality industry webinars, interviews, discussions focused on revenue management, marketing, technology, strategy (May 13 - May 26).

Alex Kapichin
Members Public

Weekly Insights. May 22, 2021

Best hospitality industry articles focused on 💵revenue, 📊markets, and 🎯strategy (May 16 - May 22, 2021).

Guest Post
Members Public

A hotel benchmarking use case: Spotting weaknesses & identifying opportunities to boost direct bookings

BenchDirect by The Hotels Network is the first benchmarking platform for the hotel's direct channel. This article shows an example of how BenchDirect tools can help hotels spot opportunities and improve direct bookings.

Alex Kapichin
Members Public

Weekly Insights. May 15, 2021

Best hospitality industry articles focused on 💵revenue, 📊markets, and 🎯strategy (May 9 - May 15, 2021).

Alex Kapichin
Members Public

Video Insights: Webinars & Discussions (Volume 1)

Best hospitality industry webinars, interviews, discussions focused on revenue management, marketing, technology, strategy (Apr 28 - May 12).

Alex Kapichin
Members Public

Weekly Insights. May 8, 2021

Best hospitality industry articles focused on 💵revenue, 📊markets, and 🎯strategy (May 2 - May 8, 2021).

HSMAI Academy HSMAI Academy